vendredi 9 septembre 2011

jeudi 9 juin 2011

Practicing Hard Surface Modeling with the help of Mike Jensen Tutorial

Just practicing my zbrush hardsurface modeling skills with the help of Mike Jensen tutorial Zen of Zbrush.

mardi 29 mars 2011

Dominance War inspiration !

I got inspired by the Pre-Dominance War contest: MMORPG modeling contest.
The theme Technomage really inspired me.
I started by designing mine in 3D.
Again... lack of time to finish it.
Surely later !


Low Res Painting Practice

hi !

I decided to start practicing my painting skills who are way to low for me.
I got inspired by a design from Joe Madureira, a Dungeon Runner concept art.
Here's the concept:

I decided to be less exagerated in the proportions and more realistic.

Here's my WIP:

Don't be shy on comments.
